Dublin Saab

Cars, politics, sports and what not from my view. (Closed Sundays and Holidays)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I aint no Tie Rant

Hugo Chavez, the hero of the left (think Jimmy Carter) and the enemy of the right (think me) is upset about dirty feriners talking trash about him being a "tyrant". Here is the quote from the AP article,

How long are we going to allow a person — from any country in the world — to come to our own house to say there's a dictatorship here, that the president is a tyrant, and nobody does anything about it?

Hugo Chavez (in the red shirt), who is in no way shape or form a tyrant, points out the next industry he plans on nationalizing.

Yes, how long? Well apparently in an effort to show how he is not a tyranny they will be taking it no longer and kicking them dirty feriners out of the country who dare suggest that he is. I aint no daggum tie rant and if'in you say I is I'm gonna use the power of the state to crush you.

Remember this..
Chavez = Man of the People (keep you mouth shut or get the boot)
Bush = Hitler (Cindy Sheehan running for Congress)


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