Dublin Saab

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ununited Nations

I’m ready to ditch the UN. Just pull out and leave it to fend for itself. Why, aside from my evil right leaning tendencies, you ask? Because, regardless of the lofty ideals in its charter or high minded language used in its gatherings, the UN today is devoid of any ability to affect the world in a positive way, and has become nothing more than a shield to hide the murderous actions of dictators and thugs while pointing fingers at liberal democracies for alleged ills.

Rich Lowery, on NRO, has a good write up on one of the greatest failing of the UN, the Human Rights Commission:

The 53-country human-rights commission’s abiding flaw is that it has no standards for membership. So, bloodthirsty tyrannies sit on it together with liberal democracies. Given the let’s-all-get-along bonhomie of the United Nations, they all operate based on a vaporous consensus that strips the commission of any purpose. China, Cuba, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Zimbabwe are all current members, ensuring ample representation of governments interested only in preserving their ability to jail their dissidents, repress their women and despoil their countrysides.

Human-rights abusers are particularly drawn to the commission so they can eliminate any diplomatic or moral threat it might pose to their misrule. They can vote as a bloc to oppose any strenuous language directed at themselves or fellow abusers. On the inside, they subtly influence the process in their favor. Nina Shea, director of the Center for Religious Freedom at the human-rights group Freedom House, recounts how a few years ago the European sponsors of a resolution condemning Sudan reached out to Khartoum to help draft the language. It was duly massaged to remove any reference to “slavery,” even though the commission’s own officials had confirmed Sudan’s involvement in it.

No rules for membership. I believe that when history looks back at causes for the collapse of the UN, they will shine a bright light on how systemically flawed it is to allow small thuggish dictatorships and drug running warlords an equal vote with free societies. Cuba is not the equal to Japan, Burma is not the equal to Canada and Yemen is not the equal to France yet in the twisted world that is the UN they are and the resulting consequences have caused suffering and death for millions of helpless victims of the rouge regimes.

The sad reality is that while liberal societies, like England or Australia vacillate and debate an issue the little thugs in places like Venezuela and the Sudan can act with quickness and determination. These are the same qualities that the oligarchies of Greece used in battle with the democracy of Athens and her client city-states, and with that knowledge comes the lesson that in the end, Athens lost.

It is time to leave an organization that finds Korans in toilets and cartoons in Denmark worthy of vocal recrimination while uttering nary a word on the suffering in North Korean gulags or political oppression in China. It is time to strike out and setup a new entity that restricts entry to free nations and can no longer be used as a shield for evil.


At March 09, 2006 1:45 AM, Blogger Nightcrawler said...

The UN was obsolete before it was chartered. It is a failed idea that should have been scrapped when the League of Nations was disbanded.

Instead, they dusted off the idea and tried it again. What's one of the definitions of insanity? Trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results every time?


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