Dublin Saab

Cars, politics, sports and what not from my view. (Closed Sundays and Holidays)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Who's scared of the pussy cat?

When a dog corners a cat the cat will rear up, arch its back all in an effort to make itself look larger, look like a more imposing enemy. When a high school bully finds his turf challenged he will widen his stance, puff his chest, again, in a effort to seem more formidable.

It is no different for terrorist organizations like Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Al-Qeada. They are masters at twisting propaganda in order to make themselves look like masters of the battle field. One of their tactics is to pretend to be many different groups.

How many acts of terrorism have been claimed by a “hitherto unknown terrorist group” with ridiculous names like, The Holy Army of the Warriors of the True Faith and Prophet, only for the group to fade away and never be heard from again? What’s up with that? They put such effort into their grandiose names only to be one hit wonders, no. There is no great proliferation of terrorist groups that the Islamists would have us believe – and our lazy press is more than happy to pass off as the truth. Heaven forbid our fearless journalists investigate the truth behind anything or anyone that doesn’t have an “R” next to its name.

This is a known tactic, why isn’t it looked into by the press? One can only speculate but one thing that we don’t have to speculate on is that the Islamists fellow travelers on the American left pull the same stunts trying to seem like so much more than the few moonbats they really are.

Take these “organization” for example:

International Action Center
People Judge Bush
Troops Out Now
No Draft, No Way!
Peoples Video Network

Are these five seperate groups of like minded people evidence of wide spread disapproval for Bush, conservatism and the war against terror? Perhaps but before making that decision consider this, all five groups have the exact same mailing address; Suite 206, 39 West 14th Street, NY, NY. Then also consider that according to this site the group called Mumia Mobilization Office is also located in Suite 206. That must be on hell of a crammed office. The cherry on top is that the leader of the pack seems to be the International Action Center which is run by none other that Ramsey Clark, the same Ramsey Clark that is currently in Iraq defending Saddam and claiming that he is the rightful ruler and should be reinstated into power.

The media reports the talking points off the press releases from groups like this as fact and presents the endless stream of ethereal terrorist group as legitimate. The whys of our press’s duplicity in all this chest puffing and back arching is open for debate and for this post, immaterial.

Sometimes the cat gets the dog to run away yelping with a slash across the nose, and sometimes the cat ends up dead. The question for this post is what kind of dog are we going to be?


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